Saturday, December 5, 2009


After a horrible train trip from Nice to Barcelona that spanned for nearly 12 hours, including a first encounter of bunking with strangers in an overnight train.. we finally arrived at our hostel that no one seemed to know where it was.

With the thought that my Barcelonian adventure was going to be comparable to Vicki Christina Barcelona, I was actually really excited.

However, little did I know, my passport had decided to carry on its own Spanish rendezvous... minus me. The shock realisation occured at the hostel when I was asked to produce my passport as ID. With my mum's only word of warning prior to departing ringing through my head "it doesn't matter what you lose, everything can be replaced. just DON'T lose your passport," I was really up the creek without a paddle.


Pretty nice place. A city built at the beach. The center town is quite pretty as well.
However venture even a few meters out of the main city center and it's like you have stepped out of toorak and into footscray. Not that there is anything wrong with footscray, of course. But you get the idea.
Didn't get to venture out to st tropez or monaco unfortunately.

A beach made of rocks?

Sick skaters tear up the skate park..

We'd love to know what the g-o was with the algerian pride brigade filling up the streets.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Our homeland. Was everything we thought and more.
Rome- hit:
city built upon ruins. amazing sights. great pizza.

Florence- hit:
stayed in an awesome hostel. buildings were beautiful. could bike around the whole place.

Verona - hit:
possibly the most beautiful little town i've ever seen. home of romeo and juliette. amazing.

Venice - MISS
ew. tourist trap. bed bugs. rip off everywhere. shit food. kinda like being at an asian tourist attraction. all in all: huge waste of time.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

t & e smash the sunny state

this post is a bit late, but it has been confirmed.
T is meeting us in L.A, then we are staying a few extra days to party in california.
bonnie could have joined, but she is being a gay bitch.
only three sleeps away..

now arriving back in melbz on the 8th xo

paris is for lovers

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Damned in Amsterdam

Surrounded by prostitutes and sex shops and the air thick with with the smell of weed.. we arrived in our shit house hostel in the center of the red light district.
Not only was everything broken in our room, but sleeping in our sheets was enough to make a small child high.
Unfortunately there are no pictures of the hookers in the windows. I figured it wasn't worth either a) having a cup of piss thrown on me, b) my camera smashed on the ground or c) my camera thrown into the river. Crazy bitches.

Amsterdam is amazing. Words can't describe it. You just have to go. Go soon because there will be no red light district by 2015.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Richtig oder Falsch

First impression: Berlin is grey and dull. It is too cold. And the fact the hostel room isn't ready for another 5 hours and we just came off an international flight is not helping.

But first impressions are made to be proved wrong. Berlin is full of life, history and culture. To think that we were standing at the site that Hitler killed himself (which is now a carpark) as Germany was on the verge of losing World War 2 was simply amazing.

Berlin is famous for its bohemian and creative lifestyle. It is only now that I understand why there are no sky scrapers or massive company buildings. That's not what Berlin is about. It chooses art over industry and that's what makes it unique.

We visited the Berlin wall that divided the city in half from 1961 until 1989 and the Sachenhausen concentration camp, the first concentration camp built, where tens of thousands of Jews and prisoners of war were tortured and died. The stories there were so bad, that being there didn't even feel real, it was like watching a tragic movie.

On a lighter note, Berlin has the best food ever. There are food stalls everywhere and every shop has food that you want to eat. I'm not sure how someone could live there without stacking on the kay-gees.

Next city: Amsterdam. In the heart of the Red Light district.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hong Kong Day 1 + 2

After a long and somewhat sleepless trip from Melbourne to Hong Kong, our time here has been and done.
If you ever go to Hong Kong, do not buy cameras from the guys in the little side stalls on the main roads.
They pissed us off so much because they were so fricken dodgy.
Oh, and don't go to the night market cause it sucks.

Other than those little mishaps, shopping was pretty good and food was alright. The whole city is pretty much shopping centers and camera shops.The people were not annoying either, apart from the six hundred indians along the main road asking you to come into their shop to get a suit made.

Lastly, Vinnie bought the ugliest fake ralph lauren polo from the market that makes him look about 10 times uglier because he thinks he looks like a 'lad.'

Some photos:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our Going Away Celebrations

To celebrate our last Saturday night in Melbourne before we head off, we are having pizza and drinks at Argy Bargys in St. Kilda.

We will have dinner there around 7, then just kick back for drinks until we most likely head to Cushion/Prince for a big night.

Should be a good and big night, so make sure to get down!

Lots of love, Elizabeth and Vinnie xoxoxoxox

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Around the world in 42 days

Hong Kong --> Berlin

Berlin --> Amsterdam
Amsterdam --> Paris
Paris --> Rome
Rome --> Florence
Florence --> Venice
Venice --> Milan
Milan --> Nice
Nice --> Barcelona

Barcelona --> Mexico City
Mexico City --> Cancun

Cancun --> Vegas
Vegas --> Los Angeles

Los Angeles--> Melbourne

Friday, October 2, 2009

Three Weeks

In 21 days we say laters to Melbourne.
kiss hug.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Month

Countdown has began. Four weeks until we depart.
Sorry Tara <3

Accomodation Conundrum

Today was the day that accomodation was being booked for Berlin/Hong Kong/Cancun/Vegas and L.A.
All going fine until we were informed that we won't be able to check into any hotels in Vegas unless we're 21. Shit. Fake ID's can only go so far.
Surely somewhere will take us. If not, it's the bus shelters with the bums.